Careables - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care
28.12, 17:15–17:40 (Europe/Berlin), OIO/A:F Bühne
Sprache: English

All over the Globe Care-receivers, healthcare professionals and makers join forces to co-create careables: tailor-made open solutions that tackle permanent or temporary disability. Careables is an open and inclusive approach to healthcare based on digital fabrication and collaborative making.

We are looking at 3 years of co-creation and building a community that makes and shares open source hardware for health. The activities and designs are diverse. By showing a selection of Video Footage from the different sites of action in the Netherlands, Brazil, Ghana, Italy, Nepal, Germany and the online world we invite you to experience some of our key moments moments, be inspired and become part of the movement.

Social Design, co-Creation, Open Source Hardware for Health and Wellbeing

Isabelle Dechamps ist teil des internationalen Teams von Sie entwickelt kontextbezogene Lösungen und Co-Creation-Projekte zu den Themen Partizipation, Inklusion und Digitalisierung. Als Sozialunternehmerin hat sie die Non-Profit-Organisation be able e.V. ins Leben gerufen. Gemeinsam mit einem inklusiv arbeitenden und
denkenden Team verfolgt sie das Ziel, die Inklusion von Menschen mit
Behinderung, Migrant*innen, Strafgefangenen und weiteren sozialen
Randgruppen in die Gesellschaft zu stärken.