Emulating Huge Mesh Routing Networks
2020-12-28, 15:00–15:55 (Europe/Berlin), OIO/A:F Bühne
Sprache: Englisch

A year ago I set out to test various existing mesh routing protocols on different topologies. Especially emulating huge networks are tempting, since real hardware for this is too expensive (for me). I present the story, the projects [1] and my findings while testing emulated mesh networks of up to 2000 nodes.

Protocol implementations tested:

  • Babel
  • batman-adv
  • BMX6
  • BMX7
  • OLSRd
  • OLSR2
  • OSPF

[1] https://github.com/mwarning/meshnet-lab

I am long time Open Source programmer trying to make the world a better place. Often I contribute to Freifunk related topics and projects. My main interest is in mesh routing and how to make it efficient and scalable.

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