- Closing Session
- Opening Session

Heyo, i'm doing campaigns @ EDRi, the umbrella of 44 digital rights NGOs advocating for our rights to the EU. I got lots of boring life stories involving football games, PET startups and volunteer run privacy cafes. I wish I could tell you this f2f over a tschunk and hear from your side too. If you're reading this and think you can help organise the #ReclaimYourFace campaign in your area, ping me at @EveDaRib or at andreea. belu at edri.org.
- The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance!
Seit 14 Jahren im Kneipenkollektiv Syndikat.
- Syndikat - Bier, Birnen, Bullen
- Mehr als ein Tor zum Darknet: Tor-Exits an Universitäten
part of the https://tracking.exposed team
- youtube algorithm analysis
Corinna is a founding member and Co-Chair of CADUS, an independent humanitarian aid organization. CADUS is active in North-East Syria and Iraq, and runs the Crisis Response Makerspace in Berlin. Since the end of October, the organization is involved in a medical emergency response mission on Lesvos, Greece.
- How to build an EMT - Aufbau und Einsatz des CADUS Emergency Medical Teams
- Meet CADUS
- Arbeitstitel: Nichts zu verbergen. Ein Datenschutzpodcast

Eleftherios (he/him) is one of the co-founders of the Greek civil society organisation "Homo Digitalis", which is a member of the European Digital Rights (EDRi) network. He is a tech lawyer with academic background in digital humanities, while he works pro-bono for the team of HD on research activities and legal actions related to data protection & privacy.
- The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance!

Ella is a proud Policy and Campaigns Officer at European Digital Rights (EDRi), the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. She leads advocacy on facial recognition and biometrics to ensure that European institutions and governments respect people's dignity and protect democratic participation from the chilling effects of biometric mass surveillance. Ella is also one of the coordinators of the European "Reclaim Your Face" movement, and is a keen sociologist of Science & Technology.
- The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance!
- How To Hygienekonzept

Filip is an engineer, artist and activist working on multimedia production, campaign development, community building, research and education among other things. Current projects include SHARE_BBS – a dynamic cyberspace news podcast & hiljade.kamera.rs – an anti biometric mass surveillance movement.
- The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance!
Hanno is a journalist and IT security professional. He writes for the German tech news site Golem.de and other publications.
- The Challenges of Decarbonizing Everything
Social Design, co-Creation, Open Source Hardware for Health and Wellbeing
Isabelle Dechamps ist teil des internationalen Teams von Careables.org. Sie entwickelt kontextbezogene Lösungen und Co-Creation-Projekte zu den Themen Partizipation, Inklusion und Digitalisierung. Als Sozialunternehmerin hat sie die Non-Profit-Organisation be able e.V. ins Leben gerufen. Gemeinsam mit einem inklusiv arbeitenden und
denkenden Team verfolgt sie das Ziel, die Inklusion von Menschen mit
Behinderung, Migrant*innen, Strafgefangenen und weiteren sozialen
Randgruppen in die Gesellschaft zu stärken.
- Careables - Video Stories of Open Source Hardware for Care
- In der Sehnsucht nach "Normalität" steckt eine Lösungsstrategie gegen den krisenbedingten Dauerblues
- Human Rights in the Age of AI - Dystopia or shining future?
Free software enthusiast and privacy advocate.
- Berlin, let's take back control of our events!

Referent für Mitglieder & Ehrenamt bei Sea Eye
- Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer - ein persönlicher Erfahrungsbericht

Lucas is the FSFE's Deputy Legal Coordinator and Associate Researcher at the Humboldt University. He has background in contract and technology Law. Prior to FSFE, Lucas had experience in Brazil and Russia with e-commerce, transfer of technology, telecommunications and arbitration. Over the years he got experience in the academic sector as well, achieving a Master and PhD in law. For him Free Software is a precondition for a safe, neutral and healthy digital environment.
- Net neutrality 2.0. Router Freedom and device neutrality and in Europe
- Mehr als ein Tor zum Darknet: Tor-Exits an Universitäten
- Berlin, let's take back control of our events!
Michael Libuda ist angehender Ingenieur und studiert an der TU Berlin. Seit 1,5 Jahren ist er beruflich im Berliner Nachtleben im Bereich Free Open Airs aktiv.
- How To Hygienekonzept
- Berlin, let's take back control of our events!

I am long time Open Source programmer trying to make the world a better place. Often I contribute to Freifunk related topics and projects. My main interest is in mesh routing and how to make it efficient and scalable.
- Introduction to Mesh Routing (Part 2)
- Introduction to Mesh Routing (Part 1)
- Emulating Huge Mesh Routing Networks

Peter Ullrich, Dr. phil. Dr. rer. med., ist Soziologe/Kulturwissenschaftler und arbeitet als Senior
Researcher im Bereich "Soziale Bewegungen, Technik, Konflikte" am Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft der Technischen Universität Berlin und ist Fellow am Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung (auch TU Berlin).
Zuletzt leitete er Forschungsprojekte zu Videoüberwachung von Demonstrationen und zur Gewalteskalation bei den G20-Protesten in Hamburg. Er ist Ko-Sprecher des Arbeitskreises "Soziale Bewegungen und Polizei" im Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung (ipb).
Veröffentlichungen u.a.: "Eskalation. Dynamiken der Gewalt im Kontext
der G20-Proteste" (Berlin 2018; Ko-Autor,
https://g20.protestinstitut.eu/) und "Videoüberwachung von
Demonstrationen und die Definitionsmacht der Polizei. Zwischen
Objektivitätsfiktion und selektiver Sanktionierung" (Österreichische
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 4/2018).
- Videoüberwachung von Demonstrationen und die Definitionsmacht der Polizei. Zwischen Objektivitätsfiktion und selektiver Sanktionierung
I'm a freelance journalist writing for VICE Italia, Wired Italia and IrpiMedia. I'm also a researcher at the Hermes Center for transparency and digital human rights. I write about hacking, surveillance, digital rights and makes massive use of FOI requests.
- The #ReclaimYourFace campaign: EU, BAN biometric mass surveillance!
Sebastian is the founder and one of the Co-Chairs of CADUS, an independent humanitarian aid organization. CADUS is active in North-East Syria and Iraq, and runs the Crisis Response Makerspace in Berlin. Since end of October, the organization is involved in a medical emergency response mission on Lesvos, Greece.
- How to build an EMT - Aufbau und Einsatz des CADUS Emergency Medical Teams
- RFID-Zapper loeten

- Independent member of several initiatives for Open Source in Germany
- Reviewer of the Gaia-X Architecture
- Member of "Ein Platz für öffentlichen Code" (A place for public code)
- Member of AG Kritis (working group for critical infrastructure) https://ag.kritis.info/
- Running a blog on Kubernetes Security in German https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Kubernetes-Security-Teil-1-Von-Linux-geerbte-Konzepte-4703935.html
- Member of the advisory board and former CTO of Endocode, an Open Source Company https://endocode.com/
- Open Source Consultant and technical advisor of Octarinesec, helping to open their code https://github.com/octarinesec/kube-scan
- Linux since 0.95
- Open-Source-Initiativen der deutschen und europäischen Regierungen

Vorstand von SaveTheInternet.
Anmelder mehrer Demonstrationen zu digitalpolitischen Themen.
- Netzpolitische Vollkatastrophen - TERREG und Verschlüsselungsverbot - Was tun?
- Closing Session
- Opening Session
- Arbeitstitel: Nichts zu verbergen. Ein Datenschutzpodcast
- Tox CryptoParty - Install a Tox Client and have some fun with it